2020 Volunteer Schedule

printer2020 Volunteer Schedule

JANUARYBrett KirkpatrickSheila Cran-BarrySteve SheaProgram Committee
FEBRUARYJulie ChechikLisa CournoyerJulie SpreadburyProgram Committee
MARCHDinah CrawfordDr. Michael SharrafLauren PoussardProgram Committee
APRILGenevieve RiversChristine CroninMaureen O'GradyProgram Committee
MAYMarianne Wronka Susan KeefeMark BeckleyProgram Committee
JUNEMarianne Wronka Ernie WronkaHerb HarrisProgram Committee
JULYLark BolducMark BeckleyBonnie RynkowskiProgram Committee
AUGUSTBonnie RynkowskiLark BolducJustin Jones
Program Committee
SEPTEMBERSusan KeefeChristine CroninKate Victory HannisianProgram Committee
OCTOBERRoseanne PalazolaMark BeckleyJustin JonesProgram Committee
Bob Hunter
Steve SheaProgram Committee
DECEMBERSally Palmer
Sheila Cran-Barry

Joe PrinciProgram Committee
Sub for Cashier: Hannah StringerSub for Greeter: Lark BolducSub for Host: Mary Milburn

*Volunteer Responsibilities

(*If you have trouble opening any of these documents send an E-mail to contact@nsbforum.org for help.)

The volunteer who schedules speakers each month should have the schedule completed THREE MONTHS prior to the month. (e.g. July’s schedule should be complete by the end of April). BIOS MUST be received by both Mark Beckley and the host for the month no later than EIGHT WEEKS prior to the presentation. If you know of anyone who would be a good speaker, please share your ideas with our Program Committee.

PLEASE – before volunteering for any job, please review the NSBF Volunteer Responsibilities below:
(We appreciate all who volunteer to help. But it’s critical that if you cannot fulfill your responsibility, or have any questions whatsoever, you contact your mentor immediately. We also ask that you volunteer only if you have been attending NSBF meetings for at least six months.)

Cashier: Set up table at the door by 7:00 am. Greet visitors and collect the $10.00 admission fee from all but the speaker and directory person. You should put out Sign in Sheet, Membership Books, Membership sign up Forms, Receipt Form, Schedules, Directory Updates, etc. The greeter is also responsible for submitting payment to Acapolco’s  See the Cashier’s Guidelines, the Cash Reconciliation and Breakfast Fee Schedule for more information. Here is a Sign if you need one. Before Friday, ensure that there are enough of these supplies and change for the meeting.
“Mentors” – Lark Bolduc, Brett Kirkpatrick

Host: Master of ceremonies for meeting. As you will be introducing the speaker, you should contact the speaker to confirm, give directions to, explain the process and to obtain an introduction. The Speaker gets 30 minutes to speak, they should save time for 5 – 10 minutes of questions. The 5 minute speaker and 30 minute speaker do not take part in the 30 second introductions. Please download this Hosting Memo for complete instructions. Here is a list of Host Announcements for the meetings.
“Mentors” – Mark Beckley

Schedule Speakers: Schedule speakers at least three months prior to the first meeting of the month. Send speaker Speaker Memo at least six weeks before scheduled date. Send Speaker Confirmation Letter at least two weeks before scheduled date. Be sure to tell the speaker to allow a total of 30 minutes (including questions) and that the presentation should not be an infomercial! As soon as you have the list of speakers and topics send them to: 1) the host for that month, 2) Publicity Chair Kate Victory Hannisian at kate@bluepencilconsulting.com .2015-Volunteeers
“Mentors” – Mark Beckley

Greeter: Assist Cashier with setting up. Organize name tags, etc. Sit at greeter table so you can hand out 5-minute raffle tickets and sell the Membership Book. You’ll also welcome new members before the meeting to inform them more about how the meeting will operate and make them feel welcome. After the meeting, if possible, thank them for coming and ask that they keep coming.
“Mentors” – Mark Beckley Brett Kirkpatrick

If you have updates to this list, please send an email to contact@nsbforum.org